Sunday, August 9, 2009


I know all of my Southerner friends are probably sick and tired of hearing me complain about the heat, but alas I am a Yankee and I was NOT made for this kind of weather. It is currently a little after 11:00 in the morning, and according to its already 84 degrees outside. Now, granted, we have been blessed with a fairly bearable summer thus far, and today is really the first day that would qualify as "blistering" (we're on our way up to 98 degrees, with a heat index of 105, what with the lovely humidity), but I still feel like a sweaty, gooey mess AND I DO NOT LIKE IT. Its days like this when I really, truly miss Pittsburgh. When I see the weather map on TV and there's a beautiful shade of green over southwestern PA, and there's an angry crimson red color over this area of the country.

My landlord left for the beach this morning, leaving behind the much-ignored Sasha the dog (pictured above in happier, snowier times). I've already run outside about 5 times to check on her and make sure her water bowls are full. I also rubbed her head down with an ice cube a little while ago - she loved it! I guess me and Sasha are going to have a long week of heat-survival ahead of us. I just keep telling myself that in T-minus 6 days, I'll be on the beach enjoying a cool breeze and catching some waves. Until then I'll be staring at the clock watching each and every humid second tick by.
P.S. I just noticed that this is my 100th post! I really should have come up with something better for such a milestone, but this is all I got...


L. said...

I hear ya; I don't know how people who live further south manage to avoid spontaneously combusting from the heat.

Cathy said...

Not to add insult to injury, but it really was gorgeous in the Pittsburgh area this past week. I hear they're about to get the heatwave too, though.

M said...

Wait, were you IN my beloved Burgh, Cathy??? And yes, they did get the heatwave - according to my mom it was a whopping 88 degrees yesterday. Yeah, 88. That's just AWFUL.