Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh Yeah, it's V-Day

Yep. It's Valentine's Day. I actually completely forgot for about 3 hours this morning, until I turned on the TV to catch the weather report and the local news was doing a V-Day spot on getting good restaurant reservations. Well, since I don't have a special guy in my life to share this day with, I'll just sent out a genuine hug to all my friends and family - you guys are my heart all year long!

Also, in another bit of feel-good news, the economic stimulus package was passed last night in Congress, and guess what was dropped from it! That's right, the Coburn Amendment!!! Well, sort of. Museums are now allowed to compete for economic aid, but zoos and aquariums are still banned. I don't get that, and I'm really sorry for all the zoos and aquariums out there, but yay for museums!! Clearly, the vast majority of congressmen and senators read my blog and were swayed by my very coherent argument. It may have also had something to do with the massive effort of hundreds of museum workers and patrons allover the country voiceing their outrage over the last few days. But mostly it was my blog.

Anyway, just another small reason to feel the love today...

1 comment:

miss bess said...

I FORGOT about Valentine's Day too until mid-afternoon!!!!! Oops! I had a beer in honor of my single-ness Saturday night...well, that and the fact that I didn't have to spend cash on anything created by Hallmark. AMEN!