Saturday, March 6, 2010


Yep, there's not much else to say. I have assigned myself the task of doing my taxes today, and as you can see, I'm procrastinating. I hate doing my taxes. I don't even really know why - I've never had really complicated taxes, so its always been fairly painless. But, every year, I drag my feet and stall and complain until its April 14th, and then I freak out. Obviously, this year I'm trying to be a bit more on the ball, and that's mostly because I have the sneaking suspicion that my taxes will suddenly be far more complicated due to the addition of the house to my personal assets.

Hmmm. So far, its not going well. I've washed dishes. I ran some errands. I vacuumed. I watched the Barefoot Contessa on the Food Network. I'm blogging. And I just discovered that the Da Vinci Code is going to be on TNT in a few minutes. I can't do taxes while watching a movie, so clearly I'll just have to wait until the movie is over. Did I mention that I actually own the Da Vinci Code on DVD, so I could just watch it whenever I want. But no, its better to let it stave off the taxes for a couple more hours.

Anyway, that's my fun and exciting weekend. Hope you all are enjoying yours'!


Cathy said...

Your taxes may be more complicated, but just think of the money you'll be getting back for being a home owner!

I put off my taxes, but that's because I always owe so darned much. I did mine last weekend (not filed yet) and I get a $10 refund!! (But I owe nearly $300 to VA... boo...)

M said...

Yeah, the bigger refund is nice, although I now also have more things I have to spend it on - instead of perhaps buying some cute shoes at DSW, I'm now going to pay a plumber to fix my garbage disposal.

Have fun with the $10!