Saturday, January 24, 2009

What a week...

Wow. That's all I can really say about this past week. Its been so jam-packed from start to finish that I haven't had a chance to sit down and blog about all the stuff that happened! The axiom of blogging, I guess.

Anyway, it all started last Sunday when the Steelers won the AFC Championship game and got into the Super Bowl - that I think I may have mentioned! That was followed by a day off from work on Monday - in honor of MLK, Jr. Day. It was the first time in history that my employer decided to recognize MLK Day, so it was kinda weird having a random extra day off. However, due to the Steelers game the day before, I NEEDED the rest! Then on Tuesday, I decided to continue the holiday and stay home for most of the day to watch inauguration coverage. And again - wow. Such a great moment. I have high hopes that we can ride this wave of goodwill for a while to come.

After Tuesday, I admit, my reasons for being so busy were not so lofty. Wednesday: Lost premiere. G came over to watch with me. We had popcorn. Our minds were blown by the end of the 3 hours extravaganza. It was great! I then spent the next two days discussing the premiere in excruciating detail with my co-workers at the museum. On Thursday I came home after work to discover that at long last Netflix had sent me the first disc of The Tudors, Season 2. Guess what I did all thursday night? Yeah, watched the whole first disc. Awesome.

Now, sadly, after my week of one great moment after another I am faced with the incredibly mundane task of doing laundry. I'm procrastinating at the moment, in case you can't tell. Its cold and cloudy outside, and the thought of loading 2 weeks worth of laundry into a basket and hauling out to my car and driving to my laundry-doing site and sitting there with nothing to do for the next 3 hours is not so appealing. How is it that after a week with such amazing history-making events (and I'm talking about Lost, of course) that I can still possibly be expected to do laundry??

Oh well, I guess life goes on...

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Ah, the laundry dilemma - somehow there always seems to be some to do despite world events and other amazing things!